Instagram has become the most popular mobile platform for putting a twist on pictures. Allowing you to enhance your smartphone photos with either a filter, a fade, a matte, or a sepia tone, or a hybrid from a palette of effects. This twist can turn just about any casual photo into something remotely interesting.
Today TWID debuts a twist on a twist, a tweak on the digital photo tweaking that Instagram has made so renown, and prevalent.
Today TWID is proud to unleash upon the 3 to 4 G world:
It's simple. Just take any of your favorite Instagrams, and improve them by placing a graham cracker in the immediate foreground. Just one extra step to your now innate photo filtering procedure.
Here's our first Instagraham. A nice scenic view from Wyoming, a matte filter applied, and the finishing touch of a graham cracker executed. Tasteful, captivating, and wholesome.
There doesn't appear to be enough food on that plate. Let's apply a graham cracker filter and slide it in next to that kangaroo meat. Voila!
Need to spruce up that Spruce? Go after it with a honey-flavored perforated wafer.
Turn that Honeymoon pic into a Honey Maid pic with Instagraham!
Instagraham works anywhere, and on anything. Strip malls, baby dolls, stop signs, train sets, ball pits, sweater-wearing pets, and even night skylines. The repertoire is far from limited, so much so, that many proponents have even proposed that Instagraham's repertoire may, in fact, be unlimited.
If you've already embraced the Instagram way of life, then you'll probably want to make haste in retroactively graham-crackering all of your uploads. Pick up your phone and go through that digital camera roll. There's no point in reading further now, the knowledge has already been dealt.